Course Details and Feedback

Below is course info for each class that I’ve taught. Click on a tab to see some details as well as full course feedback reports for each course.

Foundations of Analysis II - Spring 2024

MATH 3220 at the University of Utah

35 students - fully in person

Description: Math 3220 is a second course in real analysis designed for undergraduate math majors. Its main focus is a proof based approach to multivariable calculus. I spent about a month on the basics of point-set topology at the beginning of the semester and tried, whenever possible, to expose the students to analysis in greater generality than Euclidean space.  

I experimented with several teaching ideas during this course. I gave a one-problem T/F/"I don't know" quiz at the beginning of every class. These acted both as a rough attendance check and an incentive to keep up with the material (especially definitions). I also gave bi-weekly half group-work/half independent  "proof-writing" quizzes. The idea was that the students would work together on one proof for around 25 minutes, focusing on writing a neat and rigorous proof. They would then work on a similar problem on their own, again focusing on proof writing skills (not necessarily problem solving). This went reasonably well but would be better in a course with longer class periods.


Official Course Feedback (29/35 students participated)

Some student comments:

  • If you're confused, just ask. The professor (Tim) would definitely answer your questions. And if he didn't know the answer, then he would tell the whole class that he didn't know and fix it after class. He would also sometimes ask the student if they can help. 
  • The classroom environment was very open, as the professor would frequently make time to stop and answer any questions that would come up. The students taking the class were all very friendly and most of us are in the same boat in regards to backgrounds, which helped with making some lasting relationships for the course's duration, and hopefully after it concludes.
  • I thought the way quizzes were handled was very useful for preparing me for exams. The group work component allowed us to resolve questions amongst ourselves (and ask Tim clarifying questions) thus lowering the stress of taking the quizzes themselves. Which in turn were good references/practice for the exam.
  • Professor Tribone is one of the best Math instructors I've really ever had. His course is very well structured and he is always very willing to help. Whenever I would go to his office hours he would help me understand the material in great detail. He is also very fair in his grading scheme. Although not easy, if you put in the time and effort to pay attention in lecture, do all the course work with understanding, and ask questions when you have them you will succeed in his class. I was very lucky to have him as a prof.
  • Not to stray into hyperbole, but Dr. Tribone is the best math professor (and one of the best professors overall) I have thus far taken a class from at the U. His lectures are clear and comprehensive, and he is able to answer pretty much every question from a student on the spot (including some of my own very tangential inquiries). I highly recommend any student take a class from him if they can.
  • Professor Tribone is great. This is a difficult class and he makes it understandable. He is clearly very knowledgeable and is able to answer random questions that come up in class. I usually leave lectures feeling like I at least partially understand the material, which is rare in my other math classes. He allows for group discussions and class input which helps everyone learn. He is also super helpful and patient in office hours.
Enhanced Linear Algebra - Fall 2023

MATH 2271 at the University of Utah

Mind-blowing digital art (of me!) drawn by one of my 2271 students.

23 students - fully in person

Description: 2271 is an "enhanced" version of 2270 (the normal linear algebra class at Utah). It's still a computational linear algebra course but we used a different text book (Strang's book) and went deeper into theory than is usually done in 2270. Because of the small class size, we were also able to spend some time in the computer lab learning MATLAB. The final "lab" had the students making composite "smiley faces" using principal component analysis/SVD (in practice, you would also need this "data" to complete the this worksheet).


2271 Notes--complete set of notes from one of my students.

Official Course Feedback (22/23 students participated)

Some student comments:

  • It was easy to tell that Tim was excited about the content that he was teaching. He presented Linear Algebra like a story that was unraveling.
  • Tim taught in a way so that students felt comfortable asking questions whether they paralleled the content at hand or went deeper. The classroom felt safe and exciting at the same time. There was also a sense of collaboration amongst students that contributed to comfort regarding participation.
  • Very great instructor. One of those few that manages to inspire love for math instead of just showing how to solve what's necessary. Wish he taught every math class I have or will take, genuinely.
Precalculus - Fall 2023

MATH 1080 at the University of Utah

57 students - fully in person

Description: Math 1080 is an intense(!) 5 credit course designed for students who are trying to enter calculus as quickly as possible. The course met 5 days a week, had weekly (group) quizzes, 40+ homework assignments, and 4 exams. I had an amazing group of students who surpassed all of my expectations. It was the most intense course I have taught but also one of the most rewarding.



Official Course Feedback (77% participation)


Some student comments:

  • Tim made me believe that I could actually be good at math and helped me get there with his style of teaching. I went from almost
    failing math in high school to an A in his class.
  • He was amazing he really cared about his students and it really felt like he truly cared about how we all did in the class even though
    there were very many of us.
  • Tim's enthusiasm for the content is infectious and wants you to delve more into the topic. He takes time to explain concepts and answers questions whenever they come up and does so in a concise way and takes care of being as clear as possible and makes sure that students feel comfortable with ideas and understand them before moving on
  • Tim is amazing and I love him. Favorite math professor I've had in school. He makes his classes entertaining and not stressful. He is also funny and that makes everything better. He explains things very clearly and makes learning in his class very easy. He is also very accessible outside of class and his office hours are actually fun to go to.
  • Tim is a great instructor that cares a lot about his students. He sets realistic expectations and holds himself and us accountable.
  • The class environment was very positive and open, there was no pressure and everyone spoke their mind during discussion making it fun.
Linear Algebra - Summer 2023

MATH 2270 at the University of Utah

52 students - fully in person


2270 notes -- A really nice complete set of notes from one of my students!

Official Course Feedback (88% participation)


Some student comments:

  • This is the second course I've taken with Professor Tribone and I would 100% recommend him to others. He is by far the best teacher I've had and I would like to take future math classes with him.
  • Dr. Tribone is one of the best math professors I have had the opportunity to learn under during my time at the University of Utah, and I will be strongly recommending him to other students taking linear algebra for as long as he is still with the university.
  • Great ability to clearly define complex topics and tie together all of the course content. Also he clearly is passionate about the
    content and I think that can be a huge help in making a class engaging. Additionally was always available to answer questions on
    the discord.
  • Professor Timothy Tribone made this course interesting through his vast knowledge on the subject and his passion in teaching the
    course everyday in the summer. His strengths shine in the classroom setting. Some of which include his comprehension of student
    questions, his ability to break complex material into simple explanations, and his passion in helping students really grasp the
    material. One of my favorite qualities in his instruction was to repeat learned concepts/theorems in the new material. This was a
    useful reminder of previous, relevant information learned and helped solidify the material.
  • Timothy does his best and puts visible effort into creating a learning and supportive environment.
  • Linear algebra was a completely new subject to me. Leading up to the class, students would warn that it is a difficult subject. I did
    not find this to be true. I attribute my opinion to your style of instruction. Thank you for making the course interesting and
    comprehension of the material entirely attainable.
Linear Algebra - Spring 2023

MATH 2270 at the University of Utah (2 sections)

82 total students - fully in person


Official Course Feedback

Some student comments:

  • I think the main reason I enjoyed this class is because of Tim. He is an awesome instructor, and I've told people that if they take this class they should try to take it from him. His teaching style worked well for me, and he taught effectively while making it easy to succeed in the course. He was always open to questions and provided lots of additional resources. Definitely one of my favorite professors.
  • Always available for help or to answer questions, even creating a discord server for students to collaborate, share notes, and ask questions he would answer himself.
  • My favorite math teacher that I have had at this university so far. he is engaging, and genuinely seems interested in what he is teaching, which I appreciate. While this was one of the harder math classes I have taken, Tim made it far more enjoyable, and I hope I can have him as a teacher again!
  • the teacher was clearly passionate about this class and that makes being in his class fun. The professor also has a support system set up for u to succeed as long as u read out for help. He was very engaging in class and for those who show up regularly was very well received
  • Professor Tribone was very good at explaining the topics and giving good examples. I could tell he was excited by the topic and that excitement rubbed off on me and made learning about the content more interesting. He was also able to answer questions very well and adapt the lessons to the class's needs.
  • Tim's lectures were very well organized and easy to understand. He always answered questions and you can tell that he genuinely cares about what he does!
  • He clearly explained examples and theories, was able to recognize when he was wrong, and worked to help us understand the material. He also replied quickly to messages.
  • Tim is awesome! He makes his class interesting and sprinkles in interesting things that aren't necessarily in the curriculum. It is clear that he really enjoys what he does, and that enjoyment is infectious. He cares about all of his students, and is always available to help whenever he is needed. Overall, an amazing instructor.
Foundations of Analysis - Fall 2022

MATH 3210 at the University of Utah

28 students - fully in person


Class Project - The students (and I) created a long list of interesting/useful examples in basic analysis. Every student submitted at least one original "example" and many submitted multiple! They also tex'd the examples themselves (a skill they learned in my class). Not all solutions have been checked and were written by analysts in training.

Official Course Feedback (65% participation)

Some student comments:

  • Tim is one of the kindest and most helpful professors that I've had so far at the university level. He was always willing to slow down and elaborate in his lectures during class, engaged with the class to ensure everyone was keeping up with the lecture content, and was extremely considerate of homework assignment due dates/opportunities for bonus points. I always felt like Tim wanted the best for me as a student, in regards to both my learning and my grades. I could not recommend Tim highly enough to anyone interested in taking a class from him.
  • Dr. Tribone is quite possibly the best professor I've ever had at the University of Utah. He understands common pitfalls that students fall into and mentions them in class to help students. He's also very nice and won't hesitate to repeat things that students don't understand the first time. He has a way of explaining difficult topics in an easy–to–understand way. He offers plenty of opportunities for extra credit that actually help students learn valuable skills. I could go on, but I think you get the point. If every math teacher/professor was like Dr. Tribone, I think math literacy would be a lot higher.
  • Everything about this class was phenomenal. The expectations were fair and clearly communicated with Canvas and Gradescope. The class felt well supported by timely grading and office hours that were approachable and flexible. The changes to the class and course were clearly communicated during class time and on Canvas. The lectures were easy to follow, and the professor always encouraged and engaged with students. It was easy to talk to the professor. Timothy Tribone cared about my well being as a student and was easy to approach. Would take a class with again if possible. Phenomenal, clear, and direct. Let students work through problems and lectures with a great, interactive pacing.
  • Amazing professor who put 110% effort into teaching the course. You could tell that he was very passionate about the subject and learning from him was enjoyable and easy.
  • Tim is probably the best professor I have had at this university. He is very understanding and approachable and he makes the class more about understanding and learning the material than just cramming a bunch of information into your head and trying to get a good grade in the class.
  • Tim's positivity and kindness cultivated a fantastic classroom culture. I always felt like my fellow students were engaged in the content, and willing to talk to me after class any time I had questions or wanted to plan study sessions. I suffered some personal motivation/life issues this semester that affected my ability to get the grades I wish I had, but I always looked forward to classes with Tim and the rest of the students.
  • I really liked the 'worksheet days' where I could collaborate with other students. When writing proofs, it's super helpful to talk things out with others. I mean, that's what 'real' mathematicians do anyway. All the students I talked to were awesome.
  • I really appreciate everything you did for myself and other students this semester. You made my experience at the University positive and sincerely helped me to feel cared about as a person. I would love to take a class from you again. Loved how clear you were.
Calculus I - Fall 2022

A note left on the chalkboard. It's supposed to say We "heart" Tim with the heart made of equations. (I don't think the equations are correct... but it's the thought that counts)

MATH 1210 at the University of Utah

70 students - fully in person


Official Course Feedback (49% participation)

Some student comments:


  • Tim was an amazing professor, who made sure to answer any questions and make sure the student asking understood. I found his teaching method very engaging and learned a ton every day in class.
  • While math has been my favorite subject my whole life, I've typically gotten the short end of the stick when it came to my math instructors. However I can confidently say that Tim is the best math instructor I have ever had. He is very passionate about math and teaching which makes me excited to come to class everyday. He is also extremely patient and is here to help his students learn, not just get through material. He also makes it very clear what he is expecting from us on exams, and gives us great resources to study.
    I would recommend Tim to anyone regardless of their strength in math, and I will be looking forward to having more classes with him in the future.
  • Professor Tim is truly amazing. I am so thankful to have gotten his class, im not a morning person at all but u woke up at 6:30 almost everyday for this professor. i am not one to enjoy math but the way he teaches you can tell he is very passionate about this field, wants his students to succeed, and get very happy when we y set stand math concepts and how cool they are. i would 100 percent if i could take tim for the rest of college but unfortunately that’s not how it works. i literally have no complaints about this guy he is the best.
  • Tim Tribone has done an excellent job in our class with teaching us the material in a way that is both easy to understand, while allowing for students to ask questions and have dialogue in the classroom. He teaches in a way that is friendly to all levels of students. I am impressed with how he chooses to put the students first too. He cares a lot for us as people, and for our wellbeing in the class. He wants us to understand the material, while also preventing us from being burnt out with useless homework. He is the most efficient professor I have had at the University, and will definitely be getting my vote for whom students should take this class from in the future.
  • Professor Tribone is the best math teacher I’ve had. He is very kind and made class a comfortable, fun place where people felt comfortable asking many questions. He would always answer questions very well, giving us examples and explanation. His lectures almost always felt perfectly paced and his style of explaining the concepts and then giving examples worked very well.
  • Tim, thanks for caring for us as students, and making sure that we were taken care of. At times in University it feels like none of your teachers or TA's care for you, but you made me personally feel cared for, and looked after. Thanks for being such a good teacher too.
Precalculus - Spring 2022

MAT 194 at Syracuse University

21 students - fully in person.


Official Course Feedback (29% participation) 


Some student comments:

  • Professor Tim is a really nice teacher, he answered all my questions in short time and are willing to provide help
  • The Professor had clear knowledge of the topic. I wish we had more individual time during class to do worksheets and ask questions. But the information was presented clearly and there was always an opportunity to get help from the professor.
Calculus I - Fall 2021

MAT 295 at Syracuse University

22 students - fully in person.


Official Course Feedback (45% participation) 


A selection student comments:

  • The teacher's explanation of the course content is very detailed. I can easily understand every step of each question.
  • Mr Tribone was my favorite teacher this semester. He was always super helpful and overall just a nice person.
  • Professor Tribone always helps not only me but also every students when we confuse to solve problems. I really appreciate to teach from basic skills
  • He was a fantastic teacher, and I would love to have him as my instructor for calculus 2 if that is possible
  • Great class. The professor taught better than any math class I have had thus far.
  • Lectures are very effective and he explains things very thoroughly. I am able to remember things from his lectures better than any math teacher I’ve had in the past.
  • I really enjoy the worksheets we do before quizzes. I have done really well on the quizzes and I feel like working out problems in groups and as a class right before is fine.
  • Professor Tim always helps me a lot so that I can understand the class contents. Even I cannot understand easily every time, he teaches politely and kindly. I want to keep making efforts
  • I really enjoy my instructors way of teaching- the examples he presents are great and his way of giving memory tricks helps a lot for understanding.
  • The multiple examples and different examples that we see in the future, really helps.
  • I feel like the lectures help me get a firm grasp of the main concepts. I feel like I know how to do the basic problems and applications for every section that we've learned so far.
  • The way it is broken down seamlessly. It turns a complex issue to a easy to understand one
  • Ability to break down the problems and teach incredibly effectively.
  • Significant knowledge in material and outlining step by step clearly
Calculus II - Spring 2021

MAT 296 at Syracuse University

20 students - hybrid format: This class met twice per week for in-person lecture and once online for recitation.


Official Course Feedback (66% participation) 


A selection student comments:

  • Tim Tribone is the best math teacher I've ever had. Explained all the concepts very well, and had a clear agenda of what we were doing, why it matters, and what it applies to.
  • Great class!
  • Tim is a wonderful instructor. I would not have done nearly as well in this course if it were not for his easy-going, effective teaching style and willingness to help me work through all my questions when they came up. Thank you for everything this semester!
  • The class was really organized having been a hybrid class. The time in class was utilized really well and we got a lot of material worked through very effectively.
  • Really clear lectures and explanations that allowed for easy success throughout the class. Was always available to help and showed multiple different ways to find solutions.
Calculus II - Fall 2020

MAT 296 at Syracuse University

20 students - hybrid format: This class met twice per week for in-person lecture and once online for recitation.


Official Course Feedback (30% participation)

The university switched to a new course feedback system this semester. Unfortunately, the new system caused some confusion, and the option for student comments was omitted from the survey.

Business Calculus - Summer 2020

MAT 284 at Syracuse University

24 students - online only Summer course.

Official Course Feedback (29% participation) 

A selection student comments:

  • The lectures were really clear and easy to follow, making these concepts a lot easier to understand and see how it's applied
Precalculus - Summer 2019

MAT 194 at Syracuse University

7 students - in person


Official Course Feedback (43% participation) 


A selection student comments:

  • Excellent teacher. Always willing to help. I like how he always challenges students to understand difficult questions instead of simply giving
    them the answer.
  • I didn't really have any prior math knowledge, so I was getting everything taught at an accelerated pace. Tim was very helpful with great
    notes and taking time during office hours to work with me. He had a lot of patience and helped me understand what I was doing. He was a
    great teacher and very well organized. I would recommend others to take a class from him.
Precalculus - Fall 2018

MAT 194 at Syracuse University

19 students - in person


Official Course Feedback (37% participation) 


A selection student comments:

  • Great professor, could easily answer questions that were asked. Highly recommend.
  • It was a tough class for me however, the professor did an amazing job on helping me understand the material.
  • Mr. Tribone made this class a complete joy, an amazing teacher who truly wants you to understand the content.
  • Professor Tribone was an awesome professor! He knew the subject in great depth and always knew how to explain the content in multiple ways so that every student could comprehend. He was always enthusiastic to teach the material.
  • Seems like a new professor, but will keep improving over time. overall, he is very knowledgeable and excellent teacher.
  • Very good course and very good instruction. Difficult material at times, and hard to gauge the different levels of knowledge of everyone in the classroom, but overall great experience.